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CASE STUDY: How to build a 6 to 7 figure Amazon FBA store using these 3 Steps

After Generating over $5,000,000+ with Amazon FBA Brands, we’ve seen a number of miracles happen over time.

One brand (that shall remain nameless) went from being worth $300K to $1M in less than 14 months.

After $5,000,000+ generated, 35 brands, and 300K+ sales – here’s an exact guide to creating your successful Amazon FBA business.

The aim of this article is to give you complete control over how many sales you make, and how fast you can make them.

If you don’t have time to read this article and just want us to take care of building and automating your Amazon FBA business, then you can schedule a 1-on-1 appointment with us by clicking here.

As an entrepreneur, you’re really a scientist that expresses your ideas by using the world’s marketplace as your oyster. The average Amazon Seller is making $25K-$100K in profits on a monthly basis. This makes every seller competitive whether they like it or not.

Your brand could represent a solution in the form of a product to the problem that ANY eyeballs that come across your store may have. Why else would $1.3 Trillion in revenue be generated by Amazon’s marketplace if this concept wasn’t true? It also means that you uniquely are about to understand the words on this page better than anyone.

The biggest opportunity for growth in the eCommerce sector

All the big eCommerce brands are fighting over the same overly saturated niches.

They go after the brands that draw health nuts, workout addicts, and cooking-ware shopaholics.

Since most big eCommerce brands are busy playing with the big fish, it presents a very unique opportunity for smaller brand ideas.

Following this logic, as a coffee shop owner, you have to compete with Starbucks (near impossible), yet as a small eCommerce brand, you are most likely competing with another small niche brand.

This means the playing field is relatively level (apart from a small number of exceptions).

And this is an easy game to play. For example, a curious eCommerce entrepreneur from Nevada came to us with a set budget for their inventory and marketing.

They were fascinated by the eCommerce space and were making good money with their law office at the time. But they were desperate for an additional cash flow due to the Pandemic’s effects on new clients coming through the door.

Once she had a built Amazon FBA Store officially built, she generated $30K/Month in net profits after implementing our FBA Automation Process over a 14 month period. 

I’ll reveal what’s involved in our Automation process in a minute. In the rest of this case study, I’ll reveal 3 steps on exactly how we used strategic and proven FBA Automation techniques in order to build 6 to 7 figure brands that can sell for hundreds of thousands of dollars for this client.

#1 We gained market share with one specific niche at a time

The key is to dominate one specific niche at a time – even if you do a lot more than one thing.

Let’s say you generate 1000+ product sales with the same marketing budget. That literally has the same effect as spending 10 times more on marketing than your competitors.

We first sourced 5 different products, measured their success based on in-time data supplied by Amazon itself, scraped, then filtered by our proprietary software our ideal niche standards that we felt we could successfully perform in.

Once we proposed these products and allowed the client to choose one that she felt comfortable covering the cost of inventory for.

What is so powerful about the effect of specifying on a brand is that it supplies each customer with a subjective value due to the nature of solving a portion of a target audience’s problems.

The goal is not to solve EVERY problem with your brand, but instead to solve SPECIFIC problems with your brand that your fellow competitors simply won’t.

This is a primary component to the success of any Amazon FBA brand in the first 12 months of its life in the marketplace.

#2 Tag and Catch

Roughly 20%-25% of the traffic that initially visits your store will purchase a product from it on average.

 75%-80% of customers will view your page and leave or explore competitor products that seem to appeal more to their problem.

Here’s how we got them back for our client

Now we’re getting to the good stuff – the stuff that will separate you from the pack.

Smart Amazon Sellers know how to wield the greatest of conversion methods on their product page to generate sales. However, the top 0.1% of marketers – the high earners – do what I am about to reveal.

In fact, we are able to do this with all of our clients and it’s a method that sets us apart from the crowd entirely and how we’re able to keep costs for ranking our products on page # 1 at an average of $50/day in ad spend.

Once some visits Amazon’s search bar and types in “Kodak Printer” and they happen to click on your ad, you know they want and need a printer.

Think about it.

Someone got off their lazy butt and searched for your product. They needed it badly enough that they were seeking your product out.

Just because that individual’s visit doesn’t result in a sale, doesn’t mean that they aren’t going to actually buy your product. Luckily, innovative platforms like AAP (Amazon Advertising Platform) and Facebook have been made available to us to catch their attention again before they buy that printer from one of your competitors.

Here’s how you do it.

Tag, “you’re it.”

When someone lands on your product page, there is a small piece of code you can place there.

This is called a conversion pixel. It allows for you to discover considerably more information about the customer before they leave so that you can remarket to that customer your product again and increase your odds of converting that lead into a sale.

By upwards of 20%-30% in fact.

This was a vital step in achieving paramount success and allowed for this client to maintain such a low budget so far in the life of their investment.

#3 Page Conversion Rate Optimization

Lastly, one of the most critical points of interest of your product is its listing and its content.

By adding infographics, professional videos, and using exact-match optimized keywords throughout the copy on the page, we found that the page conversion rate converted approximately 20% more sales on average.

Our client’s videos and infographics captured the attention of the customers long enough for them to convert.

We believe this to be the Time Spent on Page metric at work.

To increase this KPI, you’ll have to simply have better private label IP or brand material than a large percentage of your competitors in your selected niche.

This can be optimized via video product reveals, brand logos, engaging copy, and offers that incentivize scarcity or time-sensitive call-to-actions.

Another Option:

You can attempt to implement these advanced automation techniques by your lonesome by giving away an extra 9-12 hours per day and spending tens of thousands of dollars to craft workable proofs of concepts.


You can just hire our team to integrate these proven and expert methods into your Amazon FBA business and automate an online cash flow system that will provide you with consistent passive revenue for years to come. If so, click here to schedule a 1-1 appointment with our team.